News That’s Full of Dragons

I must admit it actually took me a bit to come up with that title, true as it is. Hey folks, Max here with the weekly update, and as noted above, this week it’s full of dragons. Why? Well, because I’ll be talking about two dragon books today.

Furthermore, the first one I’m going to talk about is not my own.

This is Smash the World’s Shell, by Daniel Fliederbaum, who perhaps holds a unique place on this earth for having one of the rare names that starts with an “Fl” but can make one wonder on pronunciation as much as mine.

Smash is Fliederbaum’s debut novel, a YA Semi-Slice-of-Life Fantasy following two young characters whose lives are on a collision course. And one of them is a dragon.

This does not end in dragon riding. Yes, you read that correctly, and it’s rare enough among fiction of this type that I’ll state it again: It does not end in dragon riding. In fact, it does something very novel instead.

Of course, I’m not going to spoil what that is. If you’re curious, and the synopsis—which you can read by clicking the cover above—sounds like something you’d like to read, you’ll have to try it for yourself. As to why I’m mentioning it, it’s not just because Fliederbaum sent me an early copy and asked me to read it—though he did, just to be clear; and I did read it and enjoy it, though I will note it was pre-release—but because it did something novel. Again, not spoiling it, but I like novel things.

You can check it out further by clicking that cover above, which will take you directly to the publisher page where you can check it out. Which does include samples to check out.

You’ve got the link, the choice is yours. Onward to Axtara news!

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