Being a Better Writer: Run-On Sentences and Other Broken Rules

Welcome once again, writers! Welcome to another Monday installment of Being a Better Writer, a weekly guide to all things writing for over ten years!

Now, before we dive into today’s post, I want to start with a little reminder: Being a Better Writer is provided free of charge and free of advertising—despite a few places’ strong encouragement to the contrary. Instead, BaBW relies on Patreon Support! If Being a Better Writer has been helpful to you over the years, please consider heading on over to the Patreon Page and supporting. Or, if you’d rather not give money via Patreon, consider purchasing one of the many books on the Books page.

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Okay, now that I’ve sufficiently prodded, let’s shift gears and get back to writing. Today we’re talking about a frequently controversial topic, and one that reared its head once again for me personally (hence why it ended up on Topic List #24). We’re talking about rule breaking.

What rules, you might ask? Well, hit that jump, and let’s find out.

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