Axtara – Magic and Mischief Now Available For Pre-Order!

That’s right. It’s finally here.

Axtara returns in this stunning sequel to the best-selling Axtara – Banking and Finance!

Meet Axtara, a young dragon who set out for a kingdom at the edge of the world with the dream of opening her own bank. She’s faced many challenges in pursuit of that dream: Gaining acceptance from the locals, befriending a princess, explaining loans, and even facing mortal peril alongside a dangerous financial conspiracy. But now? Things have finally come together, and both Elnacier and Axtara’s bank are starting to thrive.

But success always invites new challenge. Suspicious withdrawals are beginning to plague Axtara’s bank alongside rumors of strange newcomers to the kingdom. And just as Axtara begins her own investigation into the matter, a chance encounter with a powerful Ancient magic turns her world on its head.

Now trapped in an unfamiliar form, it’s going to take every talent Axtara has to get the bottom of things in Elnacier. And as Axtara has learned, change isn’t easy. Especially when the one changed is you.

What more can I say? I am thrilled to present to you Axtara – Magic and Mischief, available at last in a DRM-free ebook format. Well, pre-order for such anyway. How long will you have to wait, you might ask?

I am pleased to announce that Magic and Mischief releases this Saturday, June 29th, 2024.

Sands and Storms, everyone, she’s finally flying free. What a relief! And look at that cover! It’s gorgeous! Codie McKneely, who did the first cover, pulled out all the stops for this one, and it shows!

Naturally, the full 4K image will be available with and without text over on the books page soon, and it is wonderful to behold, so don’t forget to check that out later this week.

Now, onto other news. First, let’s talk about the paperback. Paperback takes longer, as it needs additional formatting, and must go through a proofing phase. But this is planned, look for it in the coming weeks.

In addition, at the same time a hardcover for Axtara – Banking and Finance has been requested. While prepping the Magic and Mischief paperback, I will be looking into what needs to be done to make a hardcover available for Banking and Finance.

Now, there is additional news with the release of Magic and Mischief. As is the norm, tail-pricing has gone into effect for the two most recent books in my library. Starforge is now $7.99, and Banking and Finance is now $3.99, having reached its final price point. These prices will remain until the overall pricing structure is adjusted, which will happen when inflation requires it (see this post for more information on that subject).

Also, the site has been updated with a new look! Until the next release drops, the site banner and graphics are the domain of Axtara once again!

Speaking of the next release, what’s the plan on that? Well, the Patreon Supporters voted for my next project to be The Phoenix, which I can happily report I am 50,000 words into already on the second draft (the first draft being about a decade ago). There’s also an unreleased Jacob Rocke novel that needs to go through the pre-Alpha, but then it’ll be ready for editing. And after I finish that … well, Axtara calls, I think. How do you like the sound of Armies and Accounting?

But for now? Pre-order your copy of Magic and Mischief. It’s time for Axtara to fly again!

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