Axtara – Magic and Mischief Teaser – Introducing Princess Mia Elnacier!

Hey folks! Max here! We’re drawing closer and closer to the release of Axtara – Magic and Mischief, and while I don’t have a release date set yet—sadness, I know—that doesn’t mean we can’t take some early looks at what’s inside the pages of Magic and Mischief as we did last week! Oh, and if you missed that last preview, you can read it here!

So, who’s ready for another look at what’s coming inside the pages of Axtara’s next adventure? Last week we saw an early snippet of Axtara going to meet with Elden Moon, one of the many characters from Banking and Finance who makes her return in the sequel, so for this week, I figured we’d get a glimpse at another returning fan-favorite character: Princess Mia!

Now, those of you who did see last week’s post know that we’ve got a lot more of Mia coming in Magic and Mischief, with Mia appearing in almost double the number of chapters compared to the first outing. Don’t worry, she’s not replacing our loveable dragon protagonist or anything, but they are best friends. So without spoiling anything, let’s get an early look at Mia’s first appearance in Magic and Mischief, in which Axtara has something unusual to show her.

Hit the jump!

Another knock stirred Axtara’s eyes away from her desk, away from the bit of calculation paper she’d been staring at and up at the door. The sun was well on its way to the horizon, and she was ready for it. What had started as an early day had quickly turned into a busy day—so busy that she’d been forced to ask someone to wait not once, not twice, but three times while she’d worked with her current client. Perhaps it had just been the sunny weather, but it had felt as though all of Elnacier had arrived to entreat her services. She’d not even been able to eat lunch, her stomach gnawing at her ribs as she’d explained to a pair of the local farmers how an interest savings account would work. They’d been intrigued by the idea, though unfamiliar with it—and in fairness it was quite a new concept to them.

And after that was another client, and another, and another … Still, she put a smile on her face, straightening her shoulders and wings as she called out a greeting. “Come in! Welcome to the Bank of—Oh thank the Creator.”

Princess Mia Elnacier grinned at Axtara’s exclamation, even as she moved to hang her cloak by the door. “Long day?”

“The longest.” Perhaps not entirely true, but it certainly felt like it at the moment. She couldn’t see anyone with Mia, so as soon as the door shut she let herself slump. “Though I’m certain I’ll feel a little better once I have some lunch in me.”

Mia’s eyes widened beneath her bushy brown hair, which bounced as the princess bent down to clean her boots. She was wearing her riding breeches, but there was no sign of her horse nor scent of it on her. “You haven’t had lunch yet, Axtara?” she asked as she brushed her boots clean. “It’s almost fifth bells! Most would be thinking of dinner right now.”

“It was a long day,” Axtara repeated, rising from behind her desk. “And I’m sure your highness will have no trouble joining me in my kitchen for tea?” Her voice rose slightly near the end of her sentence, Axtara puffing her chest.

Mia just rolled her eyes, but reacted in kind. “Oh, but of course. I daresay a bit of tea right now would be lovely!” Then she let out a laugh. “I’m all right being a bit less formal if you are.”

“I barely have the mental energy for it,” Axtara admitted, shaking her head slightly to drive back the faint buzzing from the base of her horns. It was partway to a headache, but food and a break would help it to fade. She turned for the door to the kitchen. “Would you like anything other than tea?”

“What are you having?” Mia asked, the sound of her boots echoing up the steps to the desk behind her.

“Right now? Food,” Axtara admitted honestly as she headed for the kitchen. The answer won another laugh from Mia, which made her smile. A visit from the princess was a capstone to what had been a good—if tiring—day. Something easy, I think. “How about a sandwich?” Axtara asked, turning to look at Mia as she dropped down into a chair by the table that had, over the course of the winter, become one of her regular seats. Only to spring out of it a second later.

“A sandwich sounds good,” Mia said. “But why don’t you take a seat, and I’ll make us both one? You look like you’ve had the longer day of the two of us.”

“I …” She gave Mia a smile. “Actually, I’m not even going to pretend. Done. I’ll sit, you make the food.”

“I thought you would like that,” Mia said, stepping past Axtara as they swapped positions. The kitchen wasn’t large, at least by Axtara’s reckoning, but there was more than enough space for the two of them to comfortably make use of it without getting in one-another’s way. There was even space for her to spread her wings a little without any trouble, letting the muscles relax after being held tight all day. “When the tea set is unwashed by the sink, I know you’ve had a busy day.”

Axtara’s eyes flicked to the tray sitting where Mia had noted, and she grimaced as she sat down. “Ugh. I forgot about that.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Mia said, smiling as she opened up the icebox. As always she seemed awed by the cool air coming out of the enchanted device, but she didn’t let it interfere with her aim, grabbing a chunk of roast goat and pulling it out. “So,” she began, “tell me about your busy day.”

Axtara smiled. “I met with over two-dozen people. And started before first bells.”

“You did?”

Axtara nodded. “That trader that came through paid me to balance his books.”

“How much?”

“A bundle of low-grade calculation paper, actually. In truth I think I got the better end of the bargain. I saved on the cost of shipping since he’d already brought it with him.” Axtara shifted slightly, letting herself relax and setting her head atop the table. “Then when I returned, I found someone waiting at the front door. From Shoreline. They’d camped in the woods overnight.”

“From Shoreline? What did they want?” “A currency exchange. They …” She pulled her head up, perking slightly and lashing the tip of her tail. “Oh, that’s right! They had something quite interesting in their collection of coins! One moment!” She left Mia in the kitchen, scampering back to her desk.

Yeah, it’s a small snippet, just like last week. I’m saving the full chapter previews until we’ve got a cover and the pre-order pages are going up. But until then, if you haven’t read Axtara – Banking and Finance, which chronicles the first cozy adventure of Elnacier’s banking dragon Axtara, grab a copy today and be ready when Magic and Mischief drops this summer!

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